Annual Tivoli Fest
Friday May 23, 2025 - Saturday May 24, 2025
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6:33 AM
6:33 AM
Annual Tivoli Fest
Tivoli Fest is a Danish-American celebration held every year on Memorial Day weekend in the Danish Village of Elk Horn, Iowa.
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Tivoli Fest is a Danish-American celebration held every year on Memorial Day weekend in the Danish Village of Elk Horn, Iowa.
Events include:
- Free admission at the Museum, Bedstemor's House, and Genealogy & Education Center
- Saturday morning flag-raising ceremony at the Danish Windmill
- Craft fair, featuring displays and demonstrations
- Parade
- Tours of the Museum of Danish America, Bedstemor’s House, and the Danish Windmill
- Live music at the fire station on Friday & Saturday night
- Fireworks at dark on Saturday night
- And lots of Danish hospitality and food!
Mark your calendars and participate in this cultural celebration held Memorial Weekend.
Find the schedule and updates on the Tivoli Fest Facebook page.