Carl Frederik Lynge and Anna J. Nielsen Schjødt -- 54 years

Brief Overview

Carl Frederik Lynge and Anna J. Nielsen Schjødt -- 54 years.

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Long-term Lovers

Born Karl F. Andersen, Carl was training to be a creamery operator on the island of Samsø in 1894, where he met Anna, a student at a nearby folk school. They became engaged just before Carl left for Tara, Siberia, where he was to set up creameries. While separated they exchanged letters and Carl wrote love poems to his fiancée. He returned to Denmark in 1904 to marryAnnaand bring her to Tara. Since he only had a short time in Denmark, the couple had to marry by kongebrev, or royal license (shown here). They married on December 23, 1904, and left for Siberia on the Trans-Siberian Railway. At that time Russia was at war with Japan and troops had preference over civilians on the railroads. Several times Carl and Anna were bumped from the train; while they waited for the next connection Anna, a good singer, entertained at these stops. ~~ Carl and Anna resided in Tara, where their daughter Nadjeschda was born, for 6 years before moving back to Denmark ahead of the Russian Revolution. In 1916 the family immigrated to Oakfield Twp. in Audubon County, Iowa, where Carl managed a creamery.

  • Photograph courtesy of granddaughter Annette Andersen, Kimballton IA.

  • Photograph courtesy of granddaughter Annette Andersen, Kimballton IA.

  • Photograph courtesy of granddaughter Annette Andersen, Kimballton IA.

  • Photograph courtesy of granddaughter Annette Andersen, Kimballton IA.

  • Courtesy of granddaughter Annette Andersen, Kimballton IA.